Naretoi e.V.

Adult education program



The project aims to close the gap between the present generation of children, that have the opportunity to go to school, and the generation that never or only very sketchy could attend school. The cause of illiteracy among adult Massai is because the traditional cultures and values exist and permit not much education chances, also the nomadic Massai presupposed no school education and therefore there was no need for a school visit.

Without the adult education program it is very difficult for a large group of people to participate in the changing society.

Since schools in Talek area, are available only for primary school children Naretoi e.V. is financing a teacher, to teach the adult Massai in the English language, reading, writing and mathematics.

To allow access to the adult school for men and women, classes are held in available rooms in the villages.

It is important to us that there is no "adult school building" in a certain village somewhere, where the adults have to go to for their classes and leave their homes. We want the adults to be able to follow their daily businesses such as looking after the children and animals, cooking, fetching water and firewood, ... and for 2-3 hours per day they come to a room within their village to go to classes, later on they can go back home to follow their work again. Therefore, the adult school is moving from one village to the next after a certain time.

At Naretoi adult education program we do not aim for the adults to have a graduation comparable to KCPE, we want the people to be able to read and write and calculate on a basis that has taken them out of illiteracy, is helpful for their daily live and is a basis for personal development. Though if a person really wants to go back to a public school to sit for KCPE, the Naretoi adult education program helps to get a certain level of education, which is enough to attend primary school.

Adult education program in Talek


 the morani class of the program in Talek


Area of Talek
April 2009 - Mai 2011
classes were held at Talek Primary School in the afternoons
40 men and women

August 2010 - Mai 2011
classes were held at a school shelter in the bushes close to the Oloshaiki village in the mornings
Shelter was supplied by Naretoi
15 men (morani)
1 student went to Talek Primary School for KCPE
1 student (Joseph Liaram) joined the Narteoi Team Kenya

June 2011 - Oktober 2012
classes were held at church in the afternoons
Tables, benches and blackboard where supplied by Naretoi
90 men and women
6 students went to Nkoilale Primary School for KCPE
(3 in class 3, 2 in class 1, 1 in class 7)


November 2012 - November 2014
classes are held at Olesere Primary School in the afternoons
25 men and women

December 2014 to present
classes are held at Mbitin Primary School in the afternoons
40 women


